Kaduna NASFAT School Engages Professionals on Career Talk
Zainab Tanimu
Kaduna, North-West, NIGERIA
NASFAT Kaduna School In a bid to exposing students to making the right decision at an early stage with regards to choosing the right career has intensified efforts in engaging professionals to deliver talks to its pupils.
According to the principal, Model Secondary School, NASFAT Kaduna Branch, Hajiya Medinat Imran, it is an initiative from NASFAT National Head Quarters which is beginning to yield fruitful results.
Hajiya Medinat in a brief interview with News Reservoir is very optimistic that the career talks by different resource persons from different professions would not only put them on the right track but open up their horizons to so many issues.
The essence of organizing this career talk for our pupils is for us to prepare them for future profession.
You see, we are in jet age so we are trying to familiarize our students with professions that are available, lucrative, and are relevant in this new era.
There are some professions that are no longer invoked. We are also instilling in them courses that would help them get to the desired level. We believe this would expose them to all that it entails. Our school is not just for academics.
We want to teach them the values of what they would achieve academically.
So far, how many career talks have you engaged in?
This term alone we have exposed our students to three different career talks from three different qualified professionals. In fact this directive is from NASFAT Head Quarters that they be exposed to at least three topics every term. Lists of topics were sent of which we use our discretion to pick that which we deem more suitable.
This opportunity l must say many of us did not have during our on time as such we were left unguided as to what career was more suitable to our courses and interest. I really praise NASFAT for this initiative.
The first topic we had was on medicine of which one of the society’s medical professionals Dr. Musa Danjuma delivered. He gave them health talk. A thorough run down on what the Medical profession entails.
We also invited barrister Abiola Kamaldeen a well-known lawyer to educate them on the profession.
Then this one on journalism profession. The resource person, Hajiya Zainab Tanimu, a professional journalist educated them on the nitty- gritty of the profession. Familiarizing them on the prospect of the profession.
She also acquainted them with the basics and subjects to concentrate on if they are looking forward to taking up journalism as a profession which l believe the children actually benefited from.
Is there anything you want us to know about NASFAT School?
Yes of course. In fact as a principal, l have worked in many schools but l want to say this is the first school l have worked with that is organizing a standardize career talk for its students. The reason l must say is because they value these children.
They value not only their presence but their future. We don’t want them to pass through NASFAT without NASFAT passing through them and l think it’s of real benefit to our students.
And how would you assess them?
To God be the glory, l can vouch for these children. In fact this morning l told them at the assembly that we are going to start writing to schools for academic competitions and they were overwhelmed for they have been troubling me to do so long ago. At least to make them realize that they can compete favorably with other schools. In fact better off than many schools.
Programs such as debate and quiz competitions, spelling competition and others. These are all the things that we have been doing internally. Insha Allah we hope to take this to neighboring and far away schools to show them the stuff we are made of. Alhamdullilah.