Zonal Induction/Retreat: NASFAT Kaduna Zone urges officers to be dedicated to the cause of Allah
Zainab Tanimu
Kaduna, Northwest Nigeria
It was a memorable and well attended retreat as everyone gathered at the multi-media center at NASFAT Kaduna Branch.
The occasion which also served as a fora for the induction of the newly inaugurated Zonal officers gave an opportunity for them to enrich their knowledge as top provoking and well articulated presentations on the theme of the retreat, “Best Leadership Style: Lessons From The Prophetic Examples” were made by seasoned and tested officers of NASFAT who gave lectures on various issues.
NASFAT Vice President 11, Worldwide Alhaji Ajiroba Maroof Adedokun accompanied by Ex-officio for NASFAT Alhaji Kabir Raji were there to grace the occasion.
The Zonal Chairman, Alhaji Saheed Popoola Gambari in his welcome address appreciated the VP11 and Ex-officio for NASFAT for finding it worthwhile to come all the way from NASFAT headquarters in Lagos to honour the invitation.
He called for the continuous support and dedication of every member in their respective assignments.
NASFAT VP11 delivering his lecture titled, “An Overview About NASFAT spoke on how the society came into being.
Muslims of like minds propelled with the desire to project the religion of Islam he said started as a group in a small apartment which today has become well spread to all the states in Nigeria and diaspora.
The vision and mission statement of NASFAT being a pace setting Islamic organization he said has been pursued through its various activities, both social and human services which has continued to impact positively on the lives of citizenry.
Presently, NASFAT has 323 branches spread across the globe. He informed.
Explaining the structural organization of NASFAT, every executive member must be conversant with it.
He challenged every member of NASFAT ‘to put in their all. Saying , NASFAT does not belong to anybody but everybody.
“NASFAT is for nobody, but for everybody. So whatever one is doing, we should be mindful of the fact that it is going to tell on everyone. So, be dedicated to the course of Allah by putting in your best.”
Ajiroba charged the new leadership to lead by example by adopting the best style of leadership following the exemplary practices of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (saw) for sustainable growth.
The Ex-officio for NASFAT Alhaji Kabir Raji presenting his paper titled, ” Constitutional Responsibilities of Zonal Executive Council, drew the attention of the officers to the tasks ahead of them.
He enjoined them to adhere strictly to NASFAT’s core values as laid down in the constitution.
Everyone’s duties is well spelt out in the constitution. He added.
“As a branch executive member, as a zonal executive member, you need to keep strictly to these core values; among the branch excos and among the members of the branch. It is very important for us to from time to time always ponder on these values.”
The National Project Secretary NASFAT Worldwide, Engr. Muhyideen Alimi Yusuf gave an insight on the role of NAZAS. NASFAT, Zakkat and Sadaqat Committee.
He is one of the board of directors of NAZAS.
“Our role is to coordinate all the zakkat income from various units of NASFAT across the globe and it is made up of credible and prudent officers including
“We are impacting on people especially the less privileged in the society.
Muhyideen urged branches to ensure that they remit the 2.5% of its zakkat to the mainstream of the national body saying, the window is open to branches in terms of need they are there to render assistance when the need arises.
NAZAS he explained has taken care of several issues including that of health challenges.
The National officer used the occasion to unveil NAZAS Committee of NASFAT Kaduna Zone. The committee is to operate under the leadership of the Zonal Vice Chairman, Prof. Abdulrasheed Yusuf.
Responding, professor Abdulrasheed appreciated the National officer for finding them worthy to steer the activities of the committee, while promising to ensure commitments in the discharge of their duties.
In his own presentation, “Effective Communication and Team Building in Islamic Leadership” the Zonal Missioner, NASFAT Kaduna, Imam Ma’rooph Muhammed Raji explained the role of communication in our day to day life.
It is important that communication be effectively communicated. It should be allowed to flow, he emphasized.
Effective communication he added is essential for both individual and team success as it helps to clear misunderstanding. With effective communication people understand their roles and perform their duties better.
For communication to be meaningful and effective, it has to be clear.
Effective communication skills help to convey information clearly and accurately, ensure mutual understanding, and foster positive relationships.
Key components of effective communication includes, Active Listening. Clear and Concise Expression.
Explaining further,
The clarity of message is of great importance so that both the encoder (i.e. the sender) and decoder (i.e. the receiver ) do not have problems otherwise if the message is distorted, the aim will be defeated because it will amount to ‘noise’.
Most of all, the communicator must be knowledgeable on the issue under discussion for the receiver to be able to decode such message. The lmam added.
The sender uses verbal (e.g. words, signs, images, video) and non-verbal (e.g. body language, hand gestures, face expressions) symbols for which he or she believes the receiver (that is, the decoder) will understand.
The Receiver is the person who notices and decodes and attaches some meaning to a message. The “receiver” is the listener, reader, or observer—that is, the individual (or the group of individuals) to whom a message is directed.
The Zonal Missioner explaining the importance of team work in lslam, said the success of any organization greatly depends on the collective performance of teams working under that umbrella.
Principal Partner, Abdulazeez Oladele & co took the gathering through the mechanism of revenue generation.
Discussing his paper, “Revenue Generation Mechanism for NASFAT in this Dwindling Economic Situation”, NASFAT he said despite it present sources of generating funds, will need to spread out its tentacles if it must forge ahead in this biting economic situation.
According to him, the Judicious management of the organization’s assets and liabilities, proper planning, as well as a time to time review of the society’s financial performance among others need to be upheld.
These, coupled with effectiveness and determination on the part of the executives, will go a long way in determining how well an organization, or group is performing.
“By the time the executives are okay, it will water down to the society as a whole.
When we talk of financial management, we are talking of efficient and effective management of our financial resources in accordance with Islamic principles and values.
“Effective management of our resources is very important in order to achieve the society’s goals.
“So the effectiveness of your area as an executive is coming down to the effectiveness of your organization.
The interactive session brought to fore questions on grey areas needing some clarifications.
NASFAT Chairman Zaria branch appreciating members of the forum called for more understanding amongst members.
The Zonal Women Affairs Secretary, Hajiya Muibat Lawal used the opportunity to update the gathering on the forthcoming National Women Conference schedule to hold in Abeokuta.

She appreciated the leadership of the zone and all present for their contributions as fund was generated to argument the cost for members participating from the zone.
The youth were not left out as they also used the opportunity to thank and further seek assistance for its member who has health challenge.
Soon after, messages and words of encouragement were given to the officers who are expected to judiciously carry out their assignments.
A one time Chairman, NASFAT Kaduna Branch, Alhaji Adekunle Adesanya drew reference from the Quran and Hadith of the Holy prophet (saw) where emphasis is laid on the need for leaders and the led complementing each other’s role if they must get things right.
Just as followers are expected to obey their leaders, the leaders too must fulfill their responsibilities to followers. He emphasized. By so doing, peaceful and harmonious co- existence will reign.
Other participants, NASFAT Elders committee Chairman, Alhaji lsiaka Yusuf, Council of Elders Chairman NASFAT Kaduna Branch, Alhaji Muftau Adeyemo, and NASFAT Doka Branch Chairman Hon. Musbau Adepoju all gave their goodwill messages through their representatives.
The symbolic event was the presentation of the flag of office by the Vice President 11, to the National Elders committee Chairman, Alhaji Inuwa Bello who in-turn handed it over to the Zonal Chairman, Alhaji Saheed Popoola Gambari.
With the closing prayer from NASFAT Doka Branch Missioner, Ustaz Uthman Kabir, the event came to a close.